• SYRACUSE WS Unauthorized error

    Hi I'm trying to use X3 V12 webservices from PHP application, below the code I used to save a new order : $soapclient=new SoapClient($wsdl, $options); $callContext = array('codeLang'=>$code_lang, 'codeUser'=>$username, 'password'=>$password, …
  • No Such Operation 'read' or 'modify'

    Work with X3 using PHP. I am able to create a customer account but when I try to read or modify I receive a 'No Such Operation 'read'' error message The code I am using is below: $keys = array(); $keys[0] = array("key" => "BPCNUM", "value" => $sageCustomer…
  • Sage X3 V7 Update8 SOAP Webservice Using PHP

    Hi eveybody, I want to call webservices to interact with Sage using PHP. I have this error : Il n'y a pas de Header element [http://www.adonix.com/WSS][CAdxCallingContext] dans le message Soap. I can have the Object WSDL and the listing of methods…