• Product is in stock with 0 quantity, location shows a quantity with no product

    Hi there. There seems to be a de-synchronization between the product and its location. The product shows null quantity in the location. The location shows a quantity (59) but a null product and is "empty" Misc. issue and receipt is also messed…
  • How do I join STOJOU to GACCCODE?

    I am looking to join the two above tables, According to the data models, the join is supposed to happen like this: 1;ACCCOD. How is that supposed to work if STOJOU doesn't have any accounting code? Also what does the 1 mean in the data model? Any and…
  • How can I go about joining the SINVOICED table to the STOJOU table?

    As seen in the subject, I am looking to join the STOJOU table to the SINVOICED table without the use of the ITMREF column. Data models show a one way arrow from STOJOU to SINVOICED with VCRNUM;VCRLIN. I am unsure of what to do with that, with VCRNUM only…
  • change the import of a file to another endpoint folder

    Hello I created an import template, which works great in one endpoint. However, when this import went well, I want to move the file to another folder (another endpoint).
  • SAGE x3v11 ACGGRP field description

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for the description of this field: Table - FXDASSETS field ACGGRP_0 Example: ACGGRP_0 CM The description must be similar, but I have not been found a table yet with this description, please someone has an…
  • SEI Subqueries

    How are subqueries performed in SEI without creating a custom DB view ? Creating an Order Shortage Report. I have a process that pull sinformation form the ITMMVT table in summary (Orders, Item info) but I need to join to the ORDERS table to find…