Lot number in function of experiation date ( shelf life)



I am looking to create a lot counter in function of the experiation date of a product which we will reception from a purshace receipt.

For exemple if we enter the expiration date of July 1st 2023 and the product has a shelf life of 6 months , the lot number should be in related to Jan 1st 2023,

Follow this logic I then want my lot number to be expressed as L202C001A

L being a constant

202 = first 3 numbers of the year

C = 3 ( a=1,b=2,c=3, .... j=0)

001 = julian date

A being a constants

How would i go about this in ordre to get the date of Jan 1st 2023

I know the lot counter in fuction of today's date would be

Constant  Lenght = 1  Formula = L

Formula Lenght = 3  Formula = mid$(num$(year(date$)),1,3)

Formula Lenght = 1  Formula = func SPEANM.GETLET(date$)

Formula Lenght = 3  Formula = func right$(num$("1000" + num$(date$-gdat$(31,12,year(date$())-1))),5)

Constant  Lenght = 1  Formula = A

But i would need to apply this logic to Jan 1st 2023

Thank you