Error 504 - Missing Parameters - Stored Procedure


I have a stored procedure and crystal report I created.  I have reviewed the permissions on the stored procedure and the schema.  When I run the report in PILOT and also in PRODUCTION, I get the same message:

Job 47636 - ERR 504 coming from the edition server : Error induced by the print engine Crystal .NET.
ZSTOCKBYSITEBYCAT.rpt - - Message 1/3 : Error running the report: c:\Sage\SafeX3\EDTV2\X3PRT\srvedit\Data\PRODUCTION_sctsvr-sx3sql_20100\ENG\Report\ZSTOCKBYSITEBYCAT.rpt
- Message 2/3 : Missing parameter values.
- Message 3/3 : Missing parameter values.

There are parameters in the crystal report and they match in the stored procedure. If no parameters are set, the stored procedure sets defaults and runs perfectly fine in SQL. When I run the crystal report in preview mode with or without parameters set, it also works just fine.

Any advice on this would be much appreciated.