Setup workflow for failed imports


I am trying to setup a workflow for failed import but can't find the correct condition.

I managed to trigger my workflow for each import (event type Import/export and Operation IF) but I can't find the correct condition to trigger the workflow only if the imports generates errors.

Any idea ?

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    I can suggest you some alternatives:

    • "[M:IMP2]STAT>0": The screen IMPOBJ2 (abbreviation IMP2) is used when an import is executed. If there is an error, a number greater than zero is stored in the STAT field.
    • "[V]GERRTRACE>0": It's a global variable that stores the number of errors in a log file.

    I'm not sure if it's going to work...  trial and error is the method. Perhaps someone else can help us with this issue.



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    Hi Chris,

    Not sure if you have already found the solution. If you create a Recurring task for this Import (assuming this is going to be an automated import), then in your Workflow select End of the Task > attached to task code used in Recurring task setup. Now in your condition you can use table [F:ABR]FLAG (local menu 21) to check the status of this task.

    Hope this helps and please share with us if it did.

