Screen Layouts - SOH1 in particular...


I'm trying to insert a new block into the SOH1 screen, but no matter how I set the positions they are not interpreted the same way the function help describes (using the "grill").

Given these 3 blocks:

BP, Position 1.1, line 1, col 2, sequence 5, length 20

Projects, 2.1, line 1, col 1, seq 10, len 16

Sales Reps 2.2, line 1, col 1, seq 15, len 15

According to the "grill" example in the help, BP should exist by itself on line 1, and establish 2 columns.  Then Project should be position in column 1 of line 2, underneath BP., and Reps should be under BP, to the right of Project taking up


|      BP             |                    BP  |   line 1


|    PROJ |         |        REPS       | line 2


But in reality, position 2.1 (and 2.2) are to the RIGHT, on the same line, as block 1 in position 1.1.


|           BP         |        PROJ       |

|            BP        |         REPS      |

Anyway, it just get's crazier from there if I try to position a block in between the existing blocks.

Can anyone better explain how the position, line, column, sequence and length actually relate to each other to be able to intentionally position new blocks and fields within them? Or point me to a better document explaining it? Thank you!