Reports - list multiple timekeepers, on what cases and the amount billed for each timekeeper on that case


I'm looking for a way to list accounts/cases that have more than one timekeeper and the amount that was billed for each timekeeper.  

Why? The firm I work at has partners but they are separate entities so if one consults with the other on a case that does not belong to them, the consulting attorney will enter in the time for that case. When the billed invoice has been paid, they will split the money based on what each person billed. I have to allocate that money separately and appropriately to ensure they are being compensated for each person's time. I'm hoping for a report that can I can run to show cases that have multiple timekeepers and how much each person billed. 

Thank you!


  • 0

    If you are looking at billing, not collections, you could do a slip summary report or you can do the slip detail report with only show totals and subtotals checks. You can setup the filters, options and sort/subtotal to meet your needs. 

    Sounds to me more like you might want to run the collections  report as this will show the money collected on matters broken out by the timekeeper who did the work. This report is typically found on the timekeeper tab of reports. 

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    Thank you so much Caren2!!! the collections report sounds like what I need. :) I will check on Monday.