Slips Disappearing

Our firm uses Sage Timeslips 2017 and our paralegals numbers are low. We realized that one of the paralegals slips seem to be disappearing. She will enter say 10 slips on Monday and on Tuesday only three of them will be there. We are unsure as to why and desperately need a solution,

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    Make sure she is hitting new in between slips. Does she look at end of day to see if they are there? I would check audit log. 

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    It is extremely rare for slips to simply "disappear." There is almost always a reason for the behavior.  However, sometimes it can take some digging to figure it out.  You can start by being hyper vigilant about that person's slips.  Have them print out a daily report at the end of the day with the slips they entered. That will show you the individual slip ID or slip number of the item.  The slips are assigned slip IDs when they are saved for the first time. Then if they "disappear" later, you will have the slip numbers to go back and research with.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips

    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.


    [email protected]