Activating Sage 50 Student Version

I finally received the keycode to activate the sage 50 2018 student version after installing onto my laptop. I entered the company, serial number and key code I received and keep getting a warning message the information I entered is invalid. I tried it numerous times to no avail. Anyone else have this problem and a solution??? Thanks

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    I have double checked my version of Sage and all the codes are correct. There is one more problem I can't solve. So what is the final solution, has anyone found out please? I went into academic procrastination, feeling a great lack of time management. My learning problems that I can't solve just keep piling up. For example, another unsolvable issue is that Sage 50 closes automatically. is the student source I discovered last night and I hope that essay examples on effective time management techniques will save me from this chronic lateness, chaos and no solution situations.

  • 0

    I have double checked my version of Sage and all the codes are correct. There is one more problem I can't solve. So what is the final solution, has anyone found out please? I went into academic procrastination, feeling a great lack of time management. My learning problems that I can't solve just keep piling up. For example, another unsolvable issue is that Sage 50 closes automatically. is the student source I discovered last night and I hope that essay examples on effective time management techniques will save me from this chronic lateness, chaos and no solution situations.
