Q&A from Employee Custom Pages Webinar

Questions and Answers from 5/28/2020 Webinar: Customizing Sage HRMS Part 2: Employee Custom Pages (multi-record)

How can I find out if I registered already (for free training)?

Either log into www.sageu.com (Sage University) you should see the class in your registered classes. You can also cut us an email at [email protected] to find out as well


Can you add an attachment to this warning page (Custom page)?

No, you cannot add an attachment to an employee custom page. However, you can add an attachment to the Attachment page and create a reason code that will reference "Warning Custom Detail" or something like that to let you know what page it is referencing.


Can we get a copy of this webinar?

Yes, you can! The recording was posted today on the Learning Series registration site - Recordings and Resources tab.
