MN DEED (Unemployment) Reporting Unit


We have 4 companies within HRMS. One of those companies has multiple store locations within it - all Minnesota based. Minnesota requires us to use separate reporting numbers for every store on our quarterly MN DEED filing. Right now, HRMS and Aatrix only have the ability to import one location code - specified from the tax code itself. We need a way to use the Cost Center number within Payroll to import a corresponding Unit Reporting number per individuals location. Right now - we've got over 400 employees that we're looking up in HRMS and hand keying the code in for within the Aatrix form. This is taking me anywhere from 2 to 2 1/2 hours each time we have to create the form. It would be wonderful if SAGE could come up with a way to map Cost Center Numbers to Reporting Unit Numbers when data is being pulled/processed from SAGE into the Aatrix template. 

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