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Discover all the benefits of migrating to the Premium version of HRMS!

If you are still in the exiting version of Sage HRMS and you would like to understand why to move to the premium version, what it offers you, the benefits and how to migrate, then this post is for you!

Let’s begin with the first question…

What is the premium version of Sage HRMS?

This is the new version of Sage HRMS which offers you many new features and enhancements that are not available in the existing version of Sage HRMS. The new premium version has an on-premise subscription model – this model allows Sage to focus on more efficient incremental development, making investments in new functionality, enhancements, and product technologies to improve its longevity and scalability.

In other words, enhancements and product innovation will be exclusive to the premium version and the existing version will be limited to technical, brand, legislative compliance, and critical bug fixes.

Well, but what else do you get if you migrate?

Benefits of moving to the premium version of Sage HRMS:

  • Automatic access to the latest version of the software.
  • The annual subscription includes maintenance and support plus the new improvements.
  • No additional costs for business care plans, this is already included in your subscription (Online Support, On-demand appointments, Anytime Learning course and Private tutor session).
  • Annual system check.
  • Branding & user experience updates for HRMS and ESS and integration links – new color scheme, login page and home page.
  • Automatic access to My Workforce Analyzer. Click here to learn more.
  • Get access to all the new enhancements which are exclusive to the premium version.
  • Obtain a multi-year loyalty discount just for being an active existing Sage HRMS customer.
  • 50% off on HRMS Training through Sage University.
  • 40% discount on Aatrix Tax Service packages.

Would you like to know more?

Please see Migrate to the premium version of Sage HRMS.pdf

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