• Product is in stock with 0 quantity, location shows a quantity with no product

    Hi there. There seems to be a de-synchronization between the product and its location. The product shows null quantity in the location. The location shows a quantity (59) but a null product and is "empty" Misc. issue and receipt is also messed…
  • @X3.TRT/STKINV$adx (4843) Error 8 : Index Incorrect OOVEMATCST(800) when validating stock count

    Good day, I get the following error when validating a stock count: I do not see any activity code related to the sizing of the screen or table.
  • misc issue how to link an transaction entry or a transaction group to an analytical dimension?

    Currently we do misc issues of stock for multiple reasons Stock Adjustment, R&D, Scrap, Clinical trials etc. all these reasons are pointing to an account using a customization of the journal STKIS. I would like to go 1 step further and link each Transaction…
  • Stock Count - Negative stock Error when validating movement

    Hi all, My company did Stock Count for a warehouse. When we went to validate the movement for that stock count session ( Stock > Counts > Counts) , we met this error for some SKUs: "This movement cannot be performed, it generates a negative stock".…
  • Setting up Windows M3 Mobile to connect with X3 to use ADC Functions

    Hi All Our client acquired windows M3 handheld type, to be used for stock operations e.g Stock receipt, Stock count using the ADC functionality in X3. We have installed the webserver component on the X3 server and also the telnet client. When we run…
  • Stock count - "File reading Error! STOPAR ...."

    Hi, We got the below error during the stock count Validation "File reading Error! STOPAR ...." Pls advise. Steps: 1. Create Stock count session 2. Enter Stock count details stock count entry .. Stock count - Validation During above setup…
  • File reading Error STOPAR in stock count

    Hi, We got the below error during the stock count Validation "File reading Error! STOPAR ...." Pls advise. Steps: 1. Create inventory session 2. Stock count document stock count entry .. stock count - Release Stock count - Validation…