Eclipse not working after updating to v12.0.29


I've been using Eclipse for several years now without issue. However, after updating X3 to patch 29 for version 12, it no longer connects to X3. It always stops at 50% at this step.

I've checked Eclipse proxy settings, which were unchanged (no proxy).

The Folder I'm connecting to is set to port 1808. I did notice that the parameters for eclipse had changed, so I set them according to various guidelines I've found (AECLIDBG, AECLIDBGTR, and AECLIPSE all set to Yes). I've tried it at the Users level, as well as the general Parameters level. However, no luck.

Has anybody else experienced an issue since updating?
Anything I've missed?

  • 0

    At the bottom of Eclipse whilst within the Sage X3 perspective you will see several tabs, which include, Problems, Console, Tasks, Error Log, ....

    What is contained within the Error Log tab? 

    For example, if I shut off the Syracuse service and then load Eclipse and check the error log, you can see a proxy error here: 

    • You can also view the log as text by right clicking the line in the Error Log grid and choosing Open Log. It can often times have more details. 

    The components that matter for the Eclipse connection are the following: 

    1. The runtime (for example, LSADX for listing files and the runtime for language semantics)

    2. Syracuse (http calls)

    3. Eclipse 

    4. Eclipse plugin (marries 4GL, the runtime and Syracuse through a hybrid of several components). You can validate this component's version through the Help | About Eclipse dialog and then click on the X3 icon. 

    We have fixed a proxy error before in the plugin. You could check the patch levels in this case of each of the aforementioned and validate you are at the latest pre-requisites.

    One other thing comes to mind you can have a look at. You can check the port for Syracuse and the runtime at the time you have the problem like this. Potentially, another program is stealing your port #. 

    • netstat -abfno | findstr #yourportnumberhere
  • 0 in reply to Delamater

    Thank you Delamater for the detailed response. I will take some time to dig through it and see what I can find.

    In the Errors, I did find an issue around an import package that might be related. I will do some more searching and report back what I find to resolve it.

    org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.xmlrpc [318]
    Unresolved requirement: Require-Bundle: org.apache.xmlrpc; bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)"
    -> Bundle-SymbolicName: org.apache.xmlrpc; bundle-version="3.0.0.v20100427-1100"
    org.apache.xmlrpc [74]
    Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: javax.xml.bind

  • 0 in reply to Delamater

    Thank you Delamater for the detailed response. I will take some time to dig through it and see what I can find.

    In the Errors, I did find an issue around an import package that might be related. I will do some more searching and report back what I find to resolve it.

    org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.xmlrpc [318]
    Unresolved requirement: Require-Bundle: org.apache.xmlrpc; bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)"
    -> Bundle-SymbolicName: org.apache.xmlrpc; bundle-version="3.0.0.v20100427-1100"
    org.apache.xmlrpc [74]
    Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: javax.xml.bind

  • 0 in reply to xsMichaelG
    1. Does the situation improve if you use a different workstation when launching Eclipse? Maybe try launching Eclipse directly on the Syracuse server too. 
    2. Does the situation improve if you use a different workspace when launch Eclipse?
    3. Try checking the java version requirements too. I say that because I see the Unresolved requirement error message on a few forum posts out there, like this: 

    With regards

  • 0 in reply to xsMichaelG

    Hullo :) 

    I wanted to touch base and see if you were able to resolve the issues, and see if anyone else has reported the same.

    I am currently in a significant development cycle and at Patch 28, so I want to update to P29, but the idea of losing Eclipse to a possible standard bug is definitely giving me pause.

    have there been tickets coming in on this issue to Sage Support that you know of / or any indication of a known issue from Sage Development?

  • 0 in reply to brandon.myers


    Sorry, I don't work in support, so I really couldn't speak on their behalf. From within R&D, we did fix one proxy error on version 2.1.3 of the plugin, but it was slightly different than what is reported above. I mentioned previously to check the pre-reqs and be sure you have the latest plugin and ensure the pre-reqs (syracuse, runtime, app server) are all proper. The debugger plugin code is attempting to get a proxy address, and it has decent logging within it, so the log could be useful here. But, in your case, you might have a different networking situation or credential issue and don't have any problem acquiring the proxy address. Can you check? Otherwise, on my side, I really can do much more to help assuage any fears you may have.

  • 0 in reply to brandon.myers

    Hi Brandon, no I haven't solved the issue (although kudos to Delamater for the excellent info!). I would suggest performing a test update to P29, which I'm sure is the approach you would take anyway. Test eclipse during that update and update or no based on that. Likely you'll be fine and mine is an isolated incident. As I have more time and when I figure it out, I will post the answer here (it may be a bit).