Scheduled Credit Card Import Job Aborting/Canceling frequently since upgrading to V12P26

The Import job which was setup several years ago has been working like a charm and kicks off about 4 am.  Lately, it's been failing once or twice a week.

The job has been setup as a Group of Tasks starting with the Import of Visa/MC, Amex, Disc,PayPal - once the files are imported run GENBORREM followed by REMBANK.  If any of the steps were to abort, all the following steps are aborted.

It may not be related to P26, but that would be the only upgrade done recently.

I have checked on other nightly jobs that could run in parallel, and don't see much that would impact!

Have searched the KBs and couldn't find an answer. 

Any suggestions or thoughts?

Has anyone else experienced this?