Sage X3 12.0.23 Install - Mongodb Install Error - JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC (Bouncy Castle) - ???


When installing MongoDB, I'm encountering the error below. "Error in validator : exception encrypting data - java.lang.SecurityException: JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC". There are some instructions regarding bouncy castle when initially opening the Mongo installer which are shown below. I've added a line to the JRE/java security file for bouncy castle, but I'm not sure where to find the zip file mentioned? Not sure how to resolve this error?

Here are the instructions which are displayed when you run the MongoDB installer. 

  • 0 is in the files extracted from Mongodb_4.0.18.exe from the patch 23 files.

  • 0 in reply to JamesG-ACD

    Hi James, 

    Thanks for this info, I was able to move past the original issue. I'm now seeing this:

  • +1 in reply to mjk4444
    verified answer

    What version of Java is this system on? I'm looking at KB106113 that mentions the Mongo 4 installer hanging after validating certificates. (You have to be on JDK 8 update 151, but it has to be 8.)

  • 0 in reply to JamesG-ACD

    Hi James, I did see that mentioned and updated to JDK 8 version 261 as I was troubleshooting the install issue. I was able to get past the access is denied issue.  I ran the mongodb jar installer via the command prompt and it installed without issue. Thanks again for your help.

  • 0

    Hi Mj,

    Few things to look out for in this scenario

    1)Make sure that your JAVA JDK 8  version is higher that 151.But it had to be JDK 8

    2)Make sure the contents of the bcprovider are in the java folder mentioned. There should be 2 files

    3)Editing the security file is where most people make the error

           In the file search for the section where you will find similar security.provider(n) entry

         It should be as below

    line 11 is the one we have to add and it has to be a numbered sequence and do not leave (n) as it is.

    4)The last step is to check the crypto policy which is usually set as unlimited.

    Do all this and run the installation and you should not see any errors
