The stock by site inquiry is including the Q and R status as available stock! Why?

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The stock by site inquiry (Stock, Inquiries, Stock) is used to view product availability for a given site or a group of sites. The product can be viewed by statuses (A, Q, R), and can include detailed by status as well. Sometimes when running this inquiry and checking the Detail by status box, the Available stock column includes the Q and R status along with the A status as available stock. However, the expectation is to see only the available stock with A status only. Why are the Q and R statuses being added to the available stock?

Going back to the product category (Common data, Products, Product category), under the Issue flow tab, there is a Global allocation section, and it is possible to specify which statuses to be included as available stock. At least one box must be checked but if all boxes are checked: Allow A, Allow Q, Allow R, when the stock by site inquiry is run, it will include the Q and R as available stock. Also, if Allow Q is checked, during global or detailed allocation, the stock can be selected for allocation.