• AP - Office Connector - Invoices Selected for Payment

    Can anyone line up the office connector reporting to the following report within AP AP --> Reports --> Invoice Regesiter --> Invoices Selected for Payment I would like to generate this report within Office Connector to have the information within…
  • How do I correct check alignment in AP

  • Problem paying joint check on reinstated invoice

    I have a situation I can't figure out. An AP Invoice was entered, paid partial with a joint check, then the check was voided and the invoice reinstated. We then attempted to pay it (jointly again) only for a different amount. It keeps giving an error…
  • AP and PR Checks - address not suppressing trailing blanks.

    Can anyone tell me why, after setting up a new data folder, AP Checks and Payroll checks are not suppressing the trailing blanks in the city, state and zip area which than cause it to overrun other pre-printed text on check face or to go outside the window…