Positive Pay

Hi There!

I found some ariticles on the Sage Positive Pay and found the zip file template that is shared in this discussion which creates a "TXT" file.   I feel a bit silly---but it is not printing the Vendor Name in the text file...what am I missing?

Thanks in advance!


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    When you choose to print to file, our default is the Timberline Print File, which has the extension of .prn.  You can choose the drop down list where it says Timberline Print File .prn and change it to Text file .txt.  Or, you can choose the Excel File print format, open the file with Excel and save as a CSV, then open the CSV file with Notepad and save as a .txt file.  Probably other ways to do it too.  Do you see the Vendor Name in the print preview? 

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    When you choose to print to file, our default is the Timberline Print File, which has the extension of .prn.  You can choose the drop down list where it says Timberline Print File .prn and change it to Text file .txt.  Or, you can choose the Excel File print format, open the file with Excel and save as a CSV, then open the CSV file with Notepad and save as a .txt file.  Probably other ways to do it too.  Do you see the Vendor Name in the print preview? 

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