Report to show all vendor contact information


Hello, our company uses Sage 100 contractor and I am looking to find a report I can run that will show all vendor contact information for each. Especially email addresses. 

  • 0
    verified answer

    Go to 4-4 Vendors, click on the binoculars and run query with or without chosen criteria.  

    For more selection criteria go to 4-4 and click on the printer, a screen will pop up with 4 reports, number 51 sounds like what you're looking for.  You can run the report using the criteria under the Report Form if you want to.  To send it to screen; click the magnifying glass at the top or send to the printer by clicking the printer icon at the top.

  • 0
    verified answer

    Go to 4-4 Vendors, click on the binoculars and run query with or without chosen criteria.  

    For more selection criteria go to 4-4 and click on the printer, a screen will pop up with 4 reports, number 51 sounds like what you're looking for.  You can run the report using the criteria under the Report Form if you want to.  To send it to screen; click the magnifying glass at the top or send to the printer by clicking the printer icon at the top.
