• Get rid of invoicing for packing slips

    Currently you have to invoice before you can generate a packing slip. So if you have a partial shipment you need to do a partial invoice to get the quantity shipped and quantity on back order correct on the packing slip. The problem is we have clients…
  • Previous version of SAGE/PEACHTREE used variables for the email and other places, current versions do not.

    Email variables were used in SAGE and PEACHTREE for ease of bulk invoicing and Customer statements. Now it does not exist. IE, in previous version, to include a "Dear Mr. Smith," would have the "Dear " and then was followed by the variable "$COMPANY_CONTACT…
  • Invoice Forms

    Is there a way to only show on the invoice what is being invoiced that day? I do not want the remaining items from the sales order to print with no quantity.