CriptographicException and System.InvalidOperationException


I can hit all the sample databases and my private database locally; however, when deployed I get this exception:

System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException","StackTrace": "   at Sage.Peachtree.API.PeachtreeSession.VerifyOrRequestAccess(CompanyIdentifier companyId, Boolean isAccessRequest, IDictionary`2 authenticationCredentials)\

and subsequently turns into:

Exception:System.InvalidOperationException: You must call SetDefaultDatabase before trying to use the default connection.\r\n   
at Sage.Peachtree.API.PeachtreeSession.VerifyOrRequestAccess(CompanyIdentifier companyId, Boolean isAccessRequest, IDictionary`2 authenticationCredentials)\r\n
at Sage.Peachtree.API.PeachtreeSession.VerifyAccess(CompanyIdentifier companyId)

I spent many hours of debugging scouring the web etc to no avail. I pushed all of my source code to the server and I'm still receiving that error.

Please help.
