How flexible and easy to use is Crystal Reports for Sage50US?

Hi all .. 

So I'm not yet a Sage50 user but looking into different aspects of things in order to make an informed decision that I can take to upper management..  We are currently running QB enterprise solutions and have periodically issues with reports -- particularly when doing upgrades in which we always seem to lose a report or 4..  My question is whether Crystal reports (or other provided report mechanisms) are easy to tailor individual reports, what's in them and the filtering of data to eliminate things you're not interested in including in a specific report, how totals are calculated, etc

In QB I've tried to use Advanced Reporting a few times which we actually pay for but it seems like something that requires an advanced degree to use or something.. it just doesn't seem very intuitive to me and I know that Crystal Reports has been around for a LONG time but can't say that I've ever used it and just curious about how flexible report generation is in general with Sage50.. 


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    Crystal Reports is not a difficult program to learn, however the Sage 50 database has specific field structures, and the way the tables are linked together are specific based on the type of report that you need to create. Sage 50 has the ability to customize several reports within the software, without having to use an outside report writer. However, if you do find that you need to write a report using Crystal Reports, our company not only writes the reports, but we also offer training on Crystal Reports, and how to write the reports yourself. Please reach out to us if you are interested in learning more, 800-780-0700 954-961-0600

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    Crystal Reports is not a difficult program to learn, however the Sage 50 database has specific field structures, and the way the tables are linked together are specific based on the type of report that you need to create. Sage 50 has the ability to customize several reports within the software, without having to use an outside report writer. However, if you do find that you need to write a report using Crystal Reports, our company not only writes the reports, but we also offer training on Crystal Reports, and how to write the reports yourself. Please reach out to us if you are interested in learning more, 800-780-0700 954-961-0600
