Archived Backups - activate to live


I inadvertently closed my fiscal years of 2021-2022 and am now operating in fiscal year 2022-2023.  I need to go back to a particular month in 2021 to make corrections.  I'm able to restore the archive back up but am unable to make corrections (read-only).  How can I restore this to make the necessary changes and then close the old year again and then just re-enter all accounting activity for January 2023 again?


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    I may be too late in answering this but if you have not restored a backup (non-archived) then I would restore that 2021-22 backup to a NEW company rather than restoring over my current live company.  This way you can open both companies side by side making it easier to rekey your data. Also you can export the current data from the 2023 company and import it into your restored 2022 company.

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    I may be too late in answering this but if you have not restored a backup (non-archived) then I would restore that 2021-22 backup to a NEW company rather than restoring over my current live company.  This way you can open both companies side by side making it easier to rekey your data. Also you can export the current data from the 2023 company and import it into your restored 2022 company.

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