What are the Journal Entries to record Payroll completed and Paid by an outside payroll company


What are the final journal entries to record Payroll by an outside payroll company that has already completed and paid all of the payroll taxes? Am I able to just record the expenses or is there still liability entries that need to be completed? Can I lump all of the withholding taxes together and what account type would that be? We are in California if that matters..My boss wants as few entries as possible as the payroll has already been completed and paid as well as all of the taxes. The withholding, garnishments and deductions included in the payroll are as follows:

Fica, Futa, Suta, Fit and Sit

Child Support garnishment

Employee portion of Health Insurance (Pre Tax)

Owners deducted portion of after tax Health insurance

Aflac Pre and after Tax Insurance

Cell phone deduction

Thank You for any clarification you can provide!