Using Data Porter for Project Transactions

I'm in Finance / Accounting at an international consulting firm. We're trying to find a way to accrue revenue at a project level without having to record credit memos and reversing debit memos that would actually impact accounts receivable. We're therefore looking to transact through Project Accounting, not through Accounts Receivable. Looking at Project Accounting > Activities > Process Project Transactions, it looks like I can do just that. The issue, then, is how to do that in a relatively automated fashion for a batch of transactions. Immediate answer is to use Data Porter, which I've tried, but to no avail. Here's what I'm doing:

  1. After creating a new batch and selecting "Enter Transactions", open Data Porter (Alt+F7).
  2. Using "Add-Ins", first mapping controls, then exporting data (which exports nothing, because I've not entered any data).
  3. Adding a line as follows:
    1. cboTranType = Project Credit
    2. lkuTranNo = 0000000001 (or some unique number)
    3. gluChildAccount = 4000
    4. curChildDebit = 0
    5. curChildCredit = 50000 (or some amount)
    6. chkChildBillable = 1 (so billable)
    7. lkuChildProject through cboChildCostClass = (whatever data is appropriate)
    8. cboChildSTaxClass = Nontaxable (for this purpose)

Once I've done these things, I try to import.  I reasonably get an error that basically says the transaction is out of balance. No surprise there, as I haven't identified the other side of the entry. What I can't figure out is how to add the other side of the entry. If I add an account (e.g., 1200) into the "lkuChildReference" field (not entirely sure what that field does, but I'm assuming it's the other side of the entry) on the same line, I get the same error. If I add another line below the 4000 line with essentially the same data, replacing 4000 with 1200 and moving the $50,000 from curChildCredit to curChildDebit, I get the same error - but now twice, because it's basically trying to record each line as a separate transaction (even though I've used the same transaction number). So, with DataPorter, I can't figure out how to get a single line to pick up a debit and a credit and can't figure out how to get the import to recognize that two lines are to be associated with the same transaction.

Any thoughts? Looking for a solution here, as it'll save me and the rest of the Finance / Accounting team loads of time. I'll buy you a beer (even an expensive one). Thanks very much!