Enter Sales Orders and Quotes / Customizer



A textbox has been added to Maintain Customer so that we can add custom notes. We would like to have these notes displayed in the Enter SO and QO task when the customer is selected. 

I added a textbox and did a databind on custkey between my custom table and tsosalesorder. Unfortunately it doesn't pull the data from our custom table until the sales order is saved and opened again. 

Anybody know what we can do to make the information display when the customer is selected? 

  • 0

    If you are on version 7.5 or later you should be able to do it by adding code to the lkuCustID_LostFocus event in customizer.  I just confirmed that you can pop up a message box so you could also have it write to a text box for display or even better you could have it play a music video you produced to present the information.  :)

    It is a reason to upgrade.

  • 0 in reply to JohnHanrahan

    If you can wait, one feature that is expected in the next release of 500 was the ability to flag certain Comments to display  during Sales Order Entry. That next release (V.2015) is expected out by the end of this year. If you are going to attend Sage Summit this year in New Orleans, you might get the chance to check with Sage 500 staff directly on this.

  • 0 in reply to JohnHanrahan

    Hi John,

    We are on Sage 500 2014, which is v7.6 I believe.

    Any help you can provide regarding the code to display a popup box reading from a custom table would be helpful!

    I just learned I can make a popbox display the custid entered, but I'm not sure how to use that to read from a table.


  • 0 in reply to sabian

    with session.appdatabase

    .SetInParam Form.Controls("txtSONum").text

    .SetInParam Session.CompanyID

    .SetOutParam CSTR(sErrorMsg)

    .SetOutParam CINT(iRetVal)


    sErrorMsg = .getoutparam(3)

    iRetVal = .getoutparam(4)


    end with

    IF iRetVal = 0 THEN

    MSGBOX "SO Check failed: " + sErrorMsg

    END IF

    The above code shows how to grab a parameter from a stored procedure (which could be the text you need).  I'm not exactly sure what you need.  If your needs are complicated (like a different memo(s) depending on customer) then using a SP would be great.  If the memo id is always the same for all customers then I'd probably just do read from SQL to return the text.  You may have to play with formatting.

  • 0 in reply to JohnHanrahan

    that's great! at first glance i can follow what's going on. i will report back when i get a chance to test it out and configure it for our needs.

  • 0 in reply to sabian

    Hi John

    I've tried to adapt your script to our scenario. The 2nd msgbox comes up blank. I wonder what I am missing?

    Sub lkuCustID_LostFocus

       dim custid

       dim terms

       custid = Form.Controls("lkuCustID")    


       with session.appdatabase


         .SetOutParam CSTR(terms)


         terms = .getoutparam(2)


       end with


    End Sub

    Here is the command in sql server that works..

    declare @custid varchar(10)

    declare @terms varchar(50)

    set @custid = '12141'

    exec spGetCustomerFreightTerms_EXI @custid, @terms output

  • 0 in reply to sabian

    after the dim terms put terms=""

    I always initialize my variables and terms is NULL without the init of the variable.

  • 0 in reply to JohnHanrahan

    unforunately that didn't do it either. in testing i ended up initializing terms="something" and "something" is what is displayed on the msgbox. it seems it doesn't get overwritten by the stored procedure.

    the output column name from the stored procedure is "freightterms". i've tried different combinations of variables and haven't been able to get it work work.

  • 0 in reply to sabian
    verified answer

    We've implemented this in our system just slightly differently than what you are trying to do.  In our system, our customer service reps know that they have to click a button after they select the Customer and ShipTo address.  According to your original post, you are trying to get the note(s) to display without user interaction.  That said, you might not be interested in the code that we use.  But just in case it might be useful, here is the code behind the "Customer Notes" button on our Sales Order screen.

    Sub cmdCustomerNotes_Click

    Dim sSql, sSql2

    Dim rs, rs2

    Dim ShowComment, ShowComment2

    sSql = "Select Comment1, Comment2, Comment3, Comment4  from varCustomerComments_XXX"

    sSql = sSql & " where CustID = '" & Form.Controls("lkuCustID") & "'"

    Set rs = Session.AppDatabase.OpenRecordSet(sSql,1,0)


    sSql2 = "Select Comment1, Comment2, Comment3, Comment4  from varCustCommentsOtherAdd_XXX"

    sSql2 = sSql2 & " where CustAddrID = '" & Form.Controls("lkuShipTo", 0)& "'"

    sSql2 = sSql2 & " and CustID = '" & Form.Controls("lkuCustID") & "'"

    Set rs2 = Session.AppDatabase.OpenRecordSet(sSql2,1,0)


    if not rs.iseof then

      ShowComment = rs.field("Comment1") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

      ShowComment = ShowComment & rs.field("Comment2") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

      ShowComment = ShowComment & rs.field("Comment3") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

      ShowComment = ShowComment & rs.field("Comment4") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

      msgbox ShowComment,, "Primary Address Billing Notes"

    end if

    if not rs2.iseof then

       ShowComment2 = rs2.field("Comment1") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

       ShowComment2 = ShowComment2 & rs2.field("Comment2") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

       ShowComment2 = ShowComment2 & rs2.field("Comment3") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

       ShowComment2 = ShowComment2 & rs2.field("Comment4") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)

       msgbox ShowComment2,, "Ship To Address Billing Notes"

    end if


    set rs =  nothing


    set rs2 = nothing

    End Sub

  • 0 in reply to sabian

    Well I'm not sure why it doesn't work.  If I were you I'd turn this into a learning experience now and hire your reseller/RKL-Joe Noll/Lou Davis to help you get this to work.  If they could see what's happening I imagine it would not be hard to fix and they could show you at the same time what's going on (via WebEx or such).  I would think they could do it in an hour or so and you'd hopefully learn some good tricks.  I'd offer but I don't have webex and no longer work for a reseller.