Inserts and updates for inventory transactions tables

1 minute read time.

Inventory transactions can originate from Purchase Order, Sales Order, Manufacturing, or Inventory Management modules. Here are the tables that are inserted and/or updated when an inventory transaction is posted:

  • Insert a record into the inventory transaction log table (timInvtTranLog).
  • Insert a record into the inventory transaction table (timInvtTran).
  • Insert one or more records into the transaction distribution table (timInvtTranDist).
  • Insert one or more records into the transaction costing table (timInvtTranCost).
  • Insert or update a record in the warehouse-bin inventory summary table (timWhseBinInvt).
  • If item is ‘lot’ or ‘both’ tracked, insert or update a record in the inventory lot table (timInvtLot).
  • If item is ‘lot’ or ‘both’ tracked, insert or update a record in the inventory lot-bin summary table (timInvtLotBin).
  • If item is ‘serial’ or ‘both’ tracked, insert or update a record in the inventory serial table (timInvtSerial).
  • Insert or update a record in the cost tier table (timCostTier).
  • Insert or update a record into the inventory transaction history table (timInvtTranHist)
  • Insert or update a record into the inventory fiscal period history table (timInvtFiscPerHist)
  • Insert or update a record into the inventory calendar period history table (timInvtCalPerHist)
  • Insert a record into the batch log table (tciBatchLog)


In addition, if an item has a Valuation Method of Standard Cost and the Standard Cost in Maintain Inventory does not equal the sum of the transactions calculated standard cost, a warning will be issued and Standard Cost in Maintain Inventory (timInventory.StdUnitCost) will automatically be updated with the calculated standard cost.