Delete Items from Inventory Managemet

We have some items that we want to delete from inventory and I understand some cannot be deleted if they are attached to POs or WOs. However we just setup one earier today that has not ran against MRP or anything and gives us the following two errors:

  1. Attempting to delete from Maintain Items - ''[item number]' cannot be deleted because inventory exists for this item." 
  2. Attempting to delete from Maintain Inventory - "Unable to perform delete operation because associated records exist in another table. The full text of the error is as follows: Unable to delete the timInventory record because it is being referenced by tmfRoutDetl_HAI. Reference ID: (R_5327). The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted."

I used the What's This? option on the Status field to look at the definition for the "Deleted" status - "You can select: Deleted for items you no longer plan to keep and are removed during a manual purge or period-end processing."

  1. What's the manual purge process this is referencing?
  2. Is the period-end based referring to the periods on the Inventory Calendar or History section of the Data Retention?

Any feedback or guidance is appreciated on how we can get these items deleted! Thank you!