Sage 300 Web Api - Ready To Post

I'm working on the Sage 300 Web API to pass Customer Receipt to Sage 300 version 2021.

In the Github documentation, it mentioned that we could set the Batch Status as Ready To Post on the POST request.

A separate PATCH request is not required as the framework performs this for you.

However, when i include the "BatchStatus""ReadyToPost", the request returned Error - "value": "You cannot set batch 41 as Ready To Post. Batch is empty."

It work fine after i exclude "BatchStatus": "ReadyToPost"

May i know how shall I set the Batch as Ready To Post?

"BatchRecordType": "CA",
"BatchNumber": 1,
"BatchStatus": "ReadyToPost",
"BatchDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Description": "TESTING",
"BankCode": "BANK",
"DefaultBankCurrency": "USD",
"ReceiptsAdjustments": [
"BatchType": "CA",
"BatchNumber": 1,
"EntryNumber": 1,
"CheckReceiptNumber": "000000004-00001TEST",
"CustomerNumber": "CUSTOMER",
"ReceiptDateAdjustmentDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"EntryDescription": "",
"EntryReference": "",
"BankReceiptAmount": 100,
"CustomerExchangeRate": 1,
"PaymentCode": "CHECK",
"CustomerCurrencyCode": "USD",
"ReceiptTransactionType": "MiscellaneousReceipt",
"ProcessCommandCode": "InsertOptionalFields",
"TaxGroup": "TAX",
"TaxClass1": 1,
"TaxBase1": 100,
"TaxAmount1": 10,
"CalculateTax": "No",
"MiscellaneousReceipts": [
"BatchType": "CA",
"BatchNumber": 1,
"EntryNumber": 1,
"LineNumber": 20,
"AccountNumber": "2013",
"GLReference": "",
"GLDescription": "",
"TaxClass1": 1,
"TaxBase1": 100,
"TaxAmount1": 10,
"DistributionAmount": 100