Edit Posted Order, Shipment, Invoice, PO Number

On occasion, users make mistakes and rather than allowing Sage to assign the next number, the users enters some text.

Can I go in to the DB and edit these fields?





  • While you can... don't.

    Those field values show up in more tables than just those. For example, we needed to do a renumbering process and to change the order number field we had 11 tables to update. And for Invoice numbers we updated 17-18 tables.

    For one of my clients who has Extender, we've added business logic that says you can only enter an existing document number or *** NEW ***.  No more documents with weird characters.

  • in reply to Django

    if a user accidently overrides the *** NEW ***, it will NOT work if they just type that in again.  we had a few people try to be smart and then we had an order with it.  Slight smile

    I'd be interested in how you used extender to stop the change.  That's a good idea.  

  • in reply to Mike Cook

    I chopped out a bunch of other logic so there might be a bug or two in this but this is a screen script that will only allow the user to enter *** NEW *** or an existing invoice number - otherwise an error message is thrown back at the user.

    # OE1900
    from accpac import *
    vInvoiceHeader = None
    def main(args):
    class MyUI(UI):
        def __init__(self):
        def createScreen(self):
            global vInvoiceHeader
            vInvoiceHeader = openView("OE0420")
            self.dsH = self.openDataSource("dsOEINVH")
            self.dsH.onBefore = self.dsH_onBefore
        def dsH_onBefore(self, eventname, field, value):
            if eventname == "PUT":
                if field == "INVNUMBER":
                    if self.isValidInvoiceValue(value) == True:
                        return Continue
                        error("Invoice not found.")
                        return False
        def isValidInvoiceValue(self, docNumber):
            if docNumber == "*** NEW ***":
                return True
            vInvoiceHeader.put("INVNUMBER", docNumber)
            if vInvoiceHeader.read() == 0:
                return True
                return False

  • in reply to Django

    interesting, thanks for sharing.  We have extender as part of a package but never really messed with stuff like this because we weren't sure if it was going to be a system drag at all across 100+ users.  I'm going to dig into because users are constantly overriding the NEW field.

  • in reply to Mike Cook

    For sales orders you can hide the order number field

  • in reply to 4139750

    this is very clever. but then users could not retrieve orders to edit before shipment