Sage 300 currencies integration via API


Hello Team,

I have some questions about how to integrate currencies from Sage 300.

We use the following endpoint: http://{Base_URL}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/CS/CSCurrencyRates

1. API returns the RateTypes. How they influence of the choice which record I should use?
For example, the Sage Business currency is CAD. The invoice currency is USD.
API returns two rows:

"FromCurrency""USD" -> "ToCurrency""CAD". RateType is AV
"FromCurrency": "USD" -> "ToCurrency": "CAD". RateType is TA

What record we should select to receive the correct exchange rate?

2. http://{BASE_URL/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/CS/CSCurrencyRates?$top=1000&$filter=DateOfLastActivity gt 1970-01-01

We tried filtered rows by date, but Sage returns error:

400 Bad Request: [{
  “error”: {
    “code”: “InvalidParameters”,
    “message”: {
      “lang”: “en-US”,
      “value”: “Could not find a property named ‘DateOfLastActivity’ on type ‘Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.CS.WebApi.Models.CurrencyRate’.”

How to eliminate this error to receive the answer?