Import conversions 2018

Have upgraded a client who uses a spreadsheet to import payroll.  They have about 10 columns, so have about 10 linked payroll imports.  In the prior version, the Deductions were Yes'd on the last import (Regular pay), because it assumed everyone would have that (which isn't quite true, but seemed to work).  On the upgrade, I set the flag to do the deductions on the same import, but we are having inconsistent results.

Now if they AutoPay'd and took deductions but an employee who had no regular hours was still on the spreadsheet, it duplicated the deductions.  If they had an employee who did not get regular pay and did not get autopayed, then no deductions were taken out.

I've been flip-flopping back and forth between skipping 0 hours and not, and keep having issues either way.

SO - what is the best practice if:

Salaried people get autopayed but may have additional pay in one of the 10 columns

No employee has hours in EVERY column

What we really need is a way to have it auto deduct everyone in Payroll Data Entry after all of the imports are done, not based on any one import.