Open credit memo invoice total is set to 0 after updating deposit amount

I am using MAS 200 4.10.  I am creating credit memos in the SO module through a VI import job.  The credit memo has to be created first to get the value MAS generates for sales tax, and then updated with the deposit amount including tax through another VI import job.  When I create a CM it has all the correct values except that the deposit amount is the value before tax.  Then (before posting, this happens almost immediately after the initial creation) I update the header record to set the deposit amount to the value including tax, and the invoice total drops to 0.  With the invoice total being generated automatically from the line items and some header information (freight and tax, for example), and none of that changing (I am not importing the line items a second time, but they are still there), why would the invoice total end up as 0?  I don't have access to the invoice total field (until now I was under the impression that it is calculated whenever referenced); other than deposit amount I am setting the header values to the same values with which they were created.

Is the invoice total actually the invoice balance, and when I update the record with the full deposit amount that balance is being updated?  I would have expected that to be a function of posting.  And if the deposit amount does that, why isn't it happening when I create the credit memo with the pre-tax total in the deposit amount field?

So my real question is, can I update the deposit amount and still keep the invoice total as it was, and if so how?  I would like to avoid calculating sales tax beforehand and creating the CM with the full deposit amount beforehand, as that defeats the purpose of using MAS as the source of sales tax calculations (since it will make those calculations anyway, and we don't want to risk a discrepancy).

Thank you in advance for any help!

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    Well, this is embarrassing.  On closer examination, I've found that a line got removed from the query populating the import file and the items did not include a tax class or product line.  There was one instance of this happening at the end of the day yesterday and I just didn't catch it, so I associated this problem with the update.

    Never mind, and my apologies for the forum clutter.