Changing Early-Pay Discount Description


Is is possible to change the description of the Early pay discount? This would be the description that prints on customer statements and located within the customer's "Invoices" tab. It shows under "Payment Ref" within the details section within the invoices tab.

Here's an example of the description within the customer's invoice tab:

and on their statement:

As you can see it doesn't even use the same description, the statement appears to add the check # as part of it's description. The statement is what I am mostly concerned with, but if someone knows how to change both that would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

  • +1
    verified answer

    On the Statement, the Description is a Formula.  Maybe look to modify the formula to print what you want on the Statement Form.  The check number shows on the inquiry screen to the left of the reference "DSCNT APPL", 

    Here is the formula behind the Description on the statement.  If you do not want the check number referenced, you can modify the formula.

    if {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "I" then
    formula = {AR_StatementWrk.Comment}
    elseif {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} in array ("C","D") and {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference} _
    = "" then
    formula = {AR_StatementWrk.Comment}
    elseif {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "F" then
    formula = "Finance Charge"
    elseif {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "C" and {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference} <> "" then
    formula = "Credit Memo: " + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference}
    elseif {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "D" and {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference} <> "" then
    formula = "Debit Memo: " + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference}
    elseif {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "P" or ({AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "X" and _
    {AR_StatementWrk.InvoiceType} = "IN") then
    formula = "Payment Ref: " + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference} + {AR_StatementWrk.CheckNo} _
    + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentType}
    elseif {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "X" then
    formula = "Ref: " + {AR_StatementWrk.CheckNo} + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentType}
    end if

  • 0 in reply to StefanouM

    Ah yes, I didn't even think to look at the statement form itself. Thanks for that!

    I changed the `TransactionType` for "P" to this:

    elseif {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "P" then
        If {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference} = "DSCNT APPL" THEN
            Formula = "PROMPT PAY DISCOUNT"
            formula = "Payment Ref: " + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference} + {AR_StatementWrk.CheckNo} _
                        + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentType}
        End If
  • 0 in reply to StefanouM

    Ah yes, I didn't even think to look at the statement form itself. Thanks for that!

    I changed the `TransactionType` for "P" to this:

    elseif {AR_StatementWrk.TransactionType} = "P" then
        If {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference} = "DSCNT APPL" THEN
            Formula = "PROMPT PAY DISCOUNT"
            formula = "Payment Ref: " + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentReference} + {AR_StatementWrk.CheckNo} _
                        + {AR_StatementWrk.PaymentType}
        End If
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