Non-inventory purchase orders


How do you handle purchase orders for non-inventory items. Two examples - 1) the office heater is broken, we call repair shop to fix it - PO needs to be created to match up with billing invoice,do you just use a comment field?   But do you still have to "receive" the PO?   2) we order toner for 6 different printers - do you enter each as a part number?  I am trying to use product lines to differentiate but this doesn't print on the PO so receiving doesn't know what is inventory and what is just expense.  Thank you.

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    A miscellaneous item can be created for something regularly purchased not for inventory, such toner for a printer.  A miscellaneous item can be created for each different type of toner ordered. 

    For purchases expected to be one time purchases such as the furnace repair a special item can be used.  Just remember to set the appropriate GL account.

    Comments can be added in line for the PO or they can be added as separate line items.  The print comments drop box must be selected to full or partial for comments to appear of the printed purchase order.