Extension Amount on System-Generated, Partially Shipped Backorder Lines, is Incorrectly calculated on Order Qty not Backorder Qty

Most but not all Backorder lines are incorrectly calculated based on the Order Qty but should be Backorder Qty.  As a test, I copied the Live company into a test company at the end of our shipping day just before running Daily Sales Reports and Updates.  I then ran Daily Sales Reports and Updates in both companies.  Interestingly, the error occurs ONLY in the Live company.  In the test company the extension amounts on ALL Backorder lines calculate correctly based on Backorder Qty, while most but not all of the same Backorder lines calculate incorrectly in Live.

Any assistance or advice is greatly appreciated.

  • RESOLVED.  I believe this is a bug.  

    The problem is related to permissions.  The “Daily Sales Reports/Updates” permission is insufficient to update the Line extension amount on resulting Backorders.  Adding some SO Entry permissions allows the BO extensions to calculate properly.