How to find the cause of variance between invoice total and the number on income statement ?



I run a net sales report from AR explore=>customer history invoices view. I use the invoice total minus sales tax, which gives me the net sales for that period. However, this number does not tie my income statement number. My June net sales total is off by $7.45 and May is off by $35.00. Can anyone give me some clue on how to find out the cause for this discrepancy ??? 

Highly appreciated,


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    I would suggest writing a Crystal Report on the AR Invoice History Header and Detail files and the GL Account file. Detail should be on the left.  Link the GL file to the detail file linking on the Sales Account Key.  Set a date range for that one month.  Group, sort and total by the  Sales Account Key in the Detail file.  This should show you which GL account you left out and where the totals are off.

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    I would suggest writing a Crystal Report on the AR Invoice History Header and Detail files and the GL Account file. Detail should be on the left.  Link the GL file to the detail file linking on the Sales Account Key.  Set a date range for that one month.  Group, sort and total by the  Sales Account Key in the Detail file.  This should show you which GL account you left out and where the totals are off.

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