• Change AR Aging from Invoice Date to Due Date

    Our company has decided they want to change the AR Aging Invoice by Invoice Date to Due Date. Is there anything I should be aware of or need to run after I change the option? I would assume there is some utility I need to run that will recalculate the…
  • search by AR contact

    We have a customer with a lot of entities and locations with the same bill to. Within these locations, there are many contacts. So we have customers calling, stating they are with XYZ and we don't know which ship to location is related to which bill to…
  • Customer contact panel font problem

    SAGE Advanced 2016 (Version We recently upgraded from 2014 to 2016 and have noticed a problem with some of the data entry panels. The fonts are extra large and bold on some and normal on others. I have managed to fix most of them simply…