More suggestions for Payroll changes

Based on feedback from clients:

1 - Deduction Report - have an option to do Monthly, not just Quarterly, and be able to do a whole year, not just one quarter at a time.  Remember there was a Perpetual version of the old Deduction history report, and we need to have that covered.  And no, Check History for just Deductions does not cut it - have you ever run that?  Hideous.

2 - Pension Audit Report - have an option whether to include Terminated/Inactive Employees, or not.  They may be running this for a prior year and people who are NOW terminated where not THEN.

3 - Have a portrait option for everything on the Main Menu.  REALLY.

4 - Have a Save As on everything on the Main Menu EXCEPT the Check Register (and I guess the Benefits Register).  Those others are not really registers and if the whole point of breaking out the Pension/Cafeteria Plans into their own report was to let you modify it so you could export it to the company handling your benefits - MAKE IT EASIER TO MODIFY.

5 - Don't include a Direct Deposit reversal in the ACH file if there is also a positive DD for the same employee.  IF it is NEGATIVE, skip it no matter what (I think this is technically a bug).

6 - Check History Report.  Have you ever actually run it with all of the different options checked ONE AT A TIME?  Maybe when you check them all together it looks OK, but if you just want deductions or just want taxes - LOOK at that report.