Direct Deposit Stub no longer prints Bank info or Amount into each bank?


Our Direct Deposit stubs at one time showed the bank name and the amount deposited into that bank on the Direct Deposit Stub.

This info is no longer showing.

Is there a switch or check box that needs to be turned on?

How to get this info reporting again???

  • 0

    Has something happened?  Have you upgraded, edited the form? What changed.

  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    We are in a recent update to Sage. This happened two updates ago. Have not had time to look into the issue.

    current version

    Have not edited the form.

    In review of the Crystal Form the description line formula calls for: a select Case "4" from PR_CheckPrintingWrk.LineType

    to allow the Bank description.

    The Amount field calls for the same selection to print the $ deposited.

    I am guessing that Sage has changed the Line Type number for this to allow the selection???

    I have checked and there are no calls for suppression or hiding of values.

  • 0 in reply to PURITYSH

    On PR 2.19.3 the updated  changed the bank information to line type 5.

    Look at the formula in the report under \reports and you should see the new formula.

  • 0 in reply to Wayne Schulz

    Sage KB #100181 has a "fine print" if you will.

    "If there is an issue with the Bank Description not
    printing at this point, the payroll will need to be cleared and reentered. (We are looking into this.)"

    That's the issue we have.  All the other detailed totals the article discusses is there for us.  

    But I have to love the way Sage states to "clear and reenter" payroll.  IT'S TOO LATE!!!  We use Paperless Office to email everyone direct deposit stubs, so that happens when the Check Register is updated.

    Does anyone have any answers to get both the DD Bank Description and DD Detail Amount to print?

    We get the "Total Direct Deposit" Amount at the Page footer section, just not in the Details section.

  • 0 in reply to Kenny98

    The issue with the bank description was in the formula for us.  We didn't have to clear and reenter.

  • 0 in reply to Bvulliamy

    I ended up comparing STANDARD DD stub form to our {Company} DD stub and found the PRCheckPrintingWrk file did not have the Employer Contribution fields for some reason, even after updating database several times.
    I made a company copy and through some opening/closing forms, was able to get the Employer Contribution fields to show up in 1 form and then copied form to {Company} form and modified the 3 formulas.
    Tested DD stub and Direct Deposit line detail Bank Description and DD Detail Amount appear now.