BIE - Item Transactions View - Export to excel collapsed view?


We are trying to get a summarized list in excel of our item transactions by item code.

For example, if i'm looking at an item trasaction view of a specific item i see this...

Collapsed None
Item Code Name Date Quantity Type
WDGTA Widget A 1/1/2015 2 SO
WDGTA Widget A 1/2/2015 1 SO
WDGTA Widget A 1/3/2015 3 SO
(footer summary) 6

or if i collapse all i see this...
Collapsed All...
Item Code Name Date Quantity Type
(footer Summary) 6

However, if I try to export to excel i get all transaction details.  I can certainly use some excel magic to summarize the data but this is an extra step that i don't think is needed.  I only want to print or export to excel the collapsed all view.

Is it possible to get a summarized export or printout in item transactions or do I need to be using a different view?

I've been struggling with this for months.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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    There is no way to do this.  I worked with Sage support on this a couple years ago and no matter what we tried it didn't work.  As a workaround I export the detail and then create a pivot table to show the summary view, it only takes a minute to do this usually.