Recurring Inspection


We are a service company, using MAS 90 and Automated Services. One of our tasks for many of our customers is a monthly recurring inspection. How can we automate this (i.e. Put the first inspection on the monthly board then have it repeat ever month after that)?

Thank you.


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    This would be accomplished through the planned maintenance function in Automated Service. This requires that you have the agreement set up for the monthly inspection, that it covers the equipment to be inspected and the monthly schedule set up for the job to be auto-generated.  

    My answer has oversimplified the process if you are not at all familiar with how agreements work, but at least the easy answer is yes it can be done. If you need more information, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or by giving me a call at the office. 1-800-256-6853 xt 220. 


    Chris Fix