AR_CashReceiptsHistory InvoiceField error


We're recently encountered a problem with posting AR Cash Receipts. This has occurred over the last 5 months and we haven't found a solution.

A Cash Receipt is properly posted and clears the AR invoice. If you view AR Inquiry, the invoices have a balance of zero. If you enter a new Cash Receipts and select the list of invoices, the invoices show a credit balance. This seems to source from the AR_CashReceiptsHistory InvoiceBalance field - it has a negative value. Potentially this could be a problem in that the credits may be utilized to clear invoices.

I've attached a couple of examples. Can anyone provide me guidance on this problem and if there is a fix for it.?

Thanks very much.

ARCashReceiptsHistory error 20180305.xlsxAR Cash Receipts History isue.docx
