Multi-Bin Location Maintenance

I need to delete approximately 1200+ bin locations.  Please tell me there is a way to mass delete?

Thanks for any assistance.

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    import into the IM_ItemWarehouse table with the item number and warehouse and the BIN location field blank for all items you want to clear out.

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    I'd guess the options depend on whether you are using the DSD version of multi-bin, or the ScanCo version of multi-bin.

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    Are you asking about updating the Primary Bin Location per warehouse/item combination in Standard Sage 100?  Or are you asking about changing Bin Locations in one of the Add-On Multi-Bin Applications?  If Multi-Bin Add On from DSD/ScanForce, you can direct your question to ScanForce Support.  If Multi-Bin Add On from Scanco, you can check with Scanco Support.  Or in either case with your Sage 100 Consultant. 

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    Thank you all for your replies!  I am new to Sage and have been asked to manually delete multi-bin locations.  I am not sure of the questions asked, especially the version of multi-bin I am using.  I have reached out to our Sage consultant for help with this question and to see if the proposed solutions are available to us.

    Again thanks so much!

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    Insight on process tasked by another seasoned user:  Go to Inventory Managment, under setup click multi-bin Location Maintenance, select warehouse code, find and select bin location, click delete, click ok to delete for 1200+ bin locations.  I just thought there had to be a better way.

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    This is the wisest approach. Your consultant should be able to steer your in the right direction. 

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    I have multibin and have used a script to delete bins based on the warehouse and length specified in the code. It has two prompts at the beginning for deleting and making sure you want to delete.

    'Deletes bin locations based on warehouse and length
    UserCode = MAS_SCR_USR
    sMsg = ""
    sWH = ""
    sBins = ""
    If UserCode = UserCode = "KNT" then
    Dim retVal
    sMsg = "You are about to delete Bins please make sure that the criteria is right in the code." + Chr(13)+ Chr(10)+ Chr(13)+ Chr(10)+" Proceed?"
    retMsg = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox(".Y2", sMsg)

    If retMsg = "NO" then
    sMsg = "Deletion has been canceled"
    retMsg = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("", sMsg)
    retVal = oScript.SetError ("Delete Canceled")
    ElseIf retMsg = "YES" then
    sMsg = "Last chance to cancel please make sure that the criteria is right in the code.!" + Chr(13)+ Chr(10)+ Chr(13)+ Chr(10) & " Proceed?"
    retMsg = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox(".Y2", sMsg,"icon=!")
    If retMsg = "NO" then
    sMsg = "Deletion has been canceled"
    retMsg = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("", sMsg)
    retVal = oScript.SetError ("Delete Canceled")
    ElseIf retMsg = "YES" then

    Dim oBins
    Set oBins = oSession.AsObject(oSession.GetObject("IM_140MB_BinLocation_bus"))
    retVal = oBins.MoveFirst()
    do while oBins.EOF <> 1
    retVal = oBins.GetValue("WarehouseCode$", sWH)
    retVal = oBins.GetValue("BinLocation$", sBins)
    'IF sWH = "VAN" and (len(sBins)= 3 or len(sBins)= 4)then
    IF sWH = "VAN" then
    retVal = oBins.Delete()
    retVal = oBins.MoveNext()

    retVal = oBins.MoveNext()

    End If

    sMsg = "All Bins for your Criteria have been deleted."
    retMsg = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("", sMsg)
    End If
    End if
    End IF