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  • Call SOAP web service within another in Sage X3

    Hello, I created a SOAP web service that calls a subprog on which I apply some logic and then call an object-based SOAP web service, like this: Subprog CONSUMED_BY_EXTERNAL_APPLICATION(SOME_PARAMETERS) #apply some logic, verifications, etc FOO …
  • Set Timeout for web services rest call using ASYRRESTCLI.EXEC_REST_WS

    When launching a request via REST web service with the ASYRRESTCLI.EXEC_REST_WS instruction against a third party Endpoint, I need to control a certain time in which, if the Endpoint does not respond, to exit the call and return error by TimeOut. Currently…
  • Using the SOAP Web Service to add a Lead and set the Opened Date and Assigned User values

    Below is an example C# code that shows how to use the add() method to add a new Lead record to the Sage CRM database. The code will set the value for the Opened Date field and the Assigned User value. Note The following assumptions have been made…
  • Submitting form values to an external website after record insertion.

    Hello, I seek a little advice as i am new to this (external accessing) concept. From what i understand, is that an external access to Sage CRM in a secure and the only way can be achieved by using Web Services which are using Sage API. However…
  • Import SIH using Web Services

    Hi all, as you can read i'm trying to import an invoice in my Sage X3 V9 PATCH 6 using Web Services, in my specific script(SPESIH) there is an action that i don't want to perform if i'm importing using web services. I wonder if there is a method to…