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  • Does Sage X3 soap web service support the pagination results?

    Hi there, We tried to get all the products via the Soap Web Service, but if the listSize is over 30000, the api returns "NULL", does Sage X3 soap web service support the pagination results? Thanks
  • Stock allocated to closed sales order

    Hello, Looks like we have an item of quantity 10 PK that is allocated to a closed order line (Fully shipped & invoiced). I caught it on my count this morning. The quantity cannot be adjusted out because it is allocated, but I cannot remove the allocation…
  • Webservices Pass empty Value in modify method

    Hi there, I'm trying to "clear" a field using the method Modify in a PHP script with SOAP from another plataform, but it's not working, if the field is empty in the XML it appears that it doesn't modify. I tried: <PARAM> <FLD NAME="WS2GRUPO"></FLD…
  • How to turn off carrier price calculation?

    On the delivery screen, when I work with web services, when I save a record, it asks web service the following message and web services responds with a yes. The carrier, shipping address, or weight/volume was modified: Search for the carrier price?…
  • I cannot set the item's Sales Unit when I register an order via SOAP

    Hi, I cannot set the item's Sales Unit when I register an order via SOAP. The POST request sends something like: ... SAU: "UN", QTY: "", SAUSTUCOE: "1", STU: "UN", ... But the order resets to the standard "PCT" sales unit. can anybody help me…
  • Validate PO Invoice with Webservice

    Does anyone here have any idea how to validate a PO Invoice using a webservice, or other similar method?
  • Import SIH using Web Services

    Hi all, as you can read i'm trying to import an invoice in my Sage X3 V9 PATCH 6 using Web Services, in my specific script(SPESIH) there is an action that i don't want to perform if i'm importing using web services. I wonder if there is a method to…