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  • Legend in SEI chart showing duplicates from the column's description

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had a similar issue when building graphical view on SEI. On the screenshot bellow, for each product category on the legend I get duplicates of the column's description. Thanks in advance for your help. Tar…
  • Tips for Building Views: A round up of articles on views.

    The following is a survey of all the different articles that have discussed creating and editing views within Sage CRM. Understanding SQL views is essential as they under pin just about every feature within Sage CRM and completely determine what can or…
  • Reports and Graphs using Key Attribute Data

    Reports and Report Charts can only be built from views. So If we want to create a Report Chart that uses Key Attribute Data then we must first create the view. The structure of the tables that holds the key attribute data is complex and trying to work…