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  • SMS for Sales / Marketing

    I'm having a bit of a time sorting the finer points of SMS communications from CRM. I have a client hot to trot on sending sales-centric SMS messages. My looking is pointing to MailChimp - is anyone who's connected the dots inclines to share basic approach…
  • SMS Infoslip

    We have implemented the SMS payslip/infoslip recently in our Sage 300 application. When running the sms inforslips the system extracts employees with a Zero nett salary. How can this be resolved? Regards Willem
  • Posso colocar em preparação o envio de sms?

    Posso colocar em preparação o envio de sms? O objectivo é preparar as mensagens só libertar à hora pretendida.
  • Sage CRM and Outbound SMS Messaging

    Introduction SMS Stands for Short Message Service and is the service available on digital GSM networks allowing text messages of up to 160 characters to be sent and received to a mobile phone. If the phone is powered off or out of range, messages are…
  • Best way to send SMS to 'people' via CRM

    Hi all, what is the best way to sned SMS messages to 'people' in CRM ? I've seen a lot on here based around sending SMS Messages to Users, but I need to send them to people really rather than users. I've contacted a couple of different companies but…
  • Interromper SMS

    Posso interromper a lista de SMS que coloquei a enviar?