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  • How to setup a requester on a landing page to refresh the data in background?

    It’s great when I get asked a question which I think has an easy answer, only to find it is not as simple as I thought! This blog is inspired from one such question, which I hope you will find interesting. Business requirement The business requirement…
  • Auto Refresh please!

    Why the manual click to refresh and see current data? What are the limitations that make this necessary? Can this be changed (or made optional - but why would you not want to?) so whenever a change takes place the refresh function happens automatically…
  • Call refresh button on login?

    Is it possible to call this orange refresh button when a user logs in? Currently, any graphical requesters that we have on the home screen are not updated until this is pressed, which is giving false information.
  • Sage x3 Mobile interface, propagate fields by code or hardware button (Andriod)

    Hi all, We have SAGE x3, V11 patch 80.003, and we're facing some problems to propagate information after field insertion in the Mobile interface. What we pretend to do, is similar to the "propagate" action in classic Representations or "After Modification…